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  4. How to setup Social Media Options

How to setup Social Media Options

To configure your elements of Social Media, please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize> Social Media> Elements. In social media there are two options, click on Elements which helps in customizing Elements.

In Elements, you can find disable option from which you can disable social media icon from header as well as footer section.

You can change size of social icon as per need. Social link can also be added as per need from which social icon will appear in both header and footer.

To configure your responsive of Social Media, please go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize> Social Media> Responsive.

In social media there are two options, click on Responsive which helps in customizing Responsiveness of social media.

In Responsive, first of all click on icon located at bottom left of desktop which will enable Tablet/Mobile mode, after that you can find different control like disable icons from header and footer which will disable social media icon from header and footer only from Table/Mobile mode.

Note: Options that are disabled for desktop will automatically disable the respective options in Mobile and Tablet devices.

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